"My life is a magical adventure," I heard myself telling a friend a few years back.
Sometimes when things just fall out of my mouth, I take a moment to step back and ask myself, is that true? (Hat tip to Byron Katie for engraving that question into my brain. The dividends that one little practice has given me is incalculable.)
So anyway, I said it, and upon reflection, decided that — albeit slightly aspirational — it was undoubtable true. I have had so many magical events/synchronicities/miracles, great and small, occur in my life. Countless “chance” meetings, surprising unplanned turns, lifetimes within this one lifetime.
My life is a magical adventure.
And more importantly than feeling true, I also realized that I liked the feeling of saying it (thinking it) to myself.
My life is a magical adventure.
My life is a magical adventure.
My life is a magical adventure.
It calmed me and invigorated me at the same time. It was a balm to my nervous system, and a heart opener. It made me feel grateful and hopeful and excited.
Essentially — and maybe you have guessed where this is going — you could call this sentence an affirmation. Affirmations are not a new idea. They are a classic spiritual practice. I get it. But you know what? They are a classic spiritual practice because they fucking work.
I have worked with affirmations on and off over the years, very lightly and with no real consistency — that is, until a few months ago. I was listening to this episode of the Next Level Soul podcast featuring a conversation between Alex Ferrari and Mike Dooley. What hit me when Mike started talking about his experience with affirmations were how simple they were. Super short.
I have a notebook full of all different goals and affirmations, but many of them are long and complicated.
Listening to Mike, I was inspired to create a list of "shorties" — very simple affirmations, 5 or 6 words, max. I wrote them down in an Evernote and have been reading them with regularity.
The crazy thing is that, every single time I read this list, my energy lightens. My whole state of being changes.
Can it possibly be that simple? To write a list of "shorties" and transform your energy and subsequently, your life, so completely for the positive?
Don't take my word for it. Come up with your own list and try it out yourself.
Start with one or two. Write 'em on a post-it or in a notebook or somewhere else you will see them.
I'm going to post my list below (which keeps growing all the time!!) for inspiration. Some won't resonate with you, which is to be expected. They are just examples.
Sending you lots of love. As far as astrological weather goes, heads up that tomorrow is a full moon in Scorpio, and we are still in the energy of a rare and powerful Jupiter + Uranus conjunction that was exact over the weekend. Oh, and Mercury is in retrograde through Wednesday. Not a quiet time! Hang in there, peeps!
My current list of "shorties:"
My life is full of joy. ✨
I spread joy and peace. ✨
I handle life with grace and lightness. ✨
Everything is working out. ✨
I deserve ease, rest and play. ✨
My ease and joy attracts abundance in all forms. ✨
My work is a gift to the world. ✨
I experience awe and wonder daily. ✨
I have plenty of money. ✨
My cup runneth over (in gifts, love, blessings, solutions). ✨
I have money. ✨
I have time. ✨
I am free. ✨
I am Love. ✨
Money is meant to flow. ✨
Whatever I desire is given.✨
All my needs are provided for, and then some. ✨
The Universe is loving and benevolent. ✨
The Universe is generous and loving.✨
Generosity begets generosity. ✨
It is safe to be generous. ✨
It is safe to have money. ✨
It is safe to spend money. ✨
It is safe to save money. ✨
It is safe to donate money. ✨
Money is infinite and flowy. ✨
Love is real. ✨
Magic is real. ✨
Miracles happen all the time. ✨
I am open to receiving miracles. ✨
Please delight and surprise us, Universe. (I know you can. Thank you in advance.) 🙏🏼✨
I am open to surprises. ✨
Love is true. ✨
Love is a compass. ✨
It is safe to have fun. ✨
It is safe to let go. ✨
Whatever got done today is perfect. ✨
I am loved beyond measure. ✨
I experience synchronicities everywhere I go. ✨
I have perfect timing. ✨
I love myself. ✨
I forgive myself. ✨
I heal myself. ✨
I free myself. ✨
(^ said to the 4 directions/4 elements, and then back up to North)
Registration Open! Embodied Breath Retreat
June 7—9, 2023 // Saugerties, New York
I’m thrilled to be co-leading a retreat in a beautiful waterfront cottage in a few weeks.
First of all, I'm definitely adopting "My life is a magical adventure." I also hear myself saying this simple but soothing phrase "All is well." It's almost a chant.
Love these affirmations. I agree that they help. I think I’m going to create my own list. Thank you!